Moving items, especially equipment and appliances, is challenging when you have to do it alone. You have to schedule sufficient time for disassembly, packing, and loading. On top of that, filling gaps between the items once you load them can be tiresome.
However, you can still do all that work using the right tools and techniques. This article will focus on such strategies. It will highlight how you can plan and transport any item without substantial help from anyone.
Tips to Help You Transport Items: How to Make a Solo Move Easy
Plan and Prepare for the Move
At this stage, you think of everything you need, from what you need to what could go wrong during the move. As such, first, assess the items you need to transport. What is their size? How heavy are they? What packing supplies do they need? Can you lift them into the moving truck alone? In addition to such questions, there are also practical things you must do.
For example, you must measure the hallway, the doorways, and any other entry the items will pass through. You may assume you have sufficient space, and when you start moving the item, it gets stuck at the door. On top of that, plan the most efficient route to get the items through these spaces. Such foresight helps you clear any obstacles and have Plan B and C in case one route fails.

Use Appropriate Tools and Equipment
Reducing injury and strain is one of the benefits of investing in suitable moving equipment, especially if you move often. An example is a furniture slider. You slide it under a heavy item, and it helps you glide the furniture across the room. In addition to preventing physical strain, such a tool prevents floor damage. Therefore, you may want to add this tool to your list of essential supplies if moving items from a house with delicate flooring like hardwood or tiles.
Another suitable tool is a moving dolly. There are two types to consider. If you are moving boxes only, you can use a two-wheel hand truck. On the other hand, a flat dolly is more suitable if you have furniture and appliances among the items to transport. One crucial consideration, though, is the weight capacity. Get a dolly that can support the weight of the items you are moving.
Another requirement when dealing with heavy loads is a ramp for rolling the items into the truck. You may also need lifting straps to distribute the weight and prevent physical strain on your back and arms. On top of that, buy protective gloves for a firm grip and to protect your hands.
Invest in Towing Equipment
Consider how you will move the equipment or furniture if you are not using your car. You may have to get such an alternative if you lack sufficient space for everything you want to move. A suitable solution is a utility trailer. You can get one suited for the load you want to tow. For instance, you can visit this website for ideas on suitable trailers and to compare them.
Nevertheless, before getting one, check if your car can tow it. Further, there are different models. The open ones are suitable for items that can withstand elements like rain and snow.

Learn Suitable Lifting Techniques
You want to minimize injury as much as possible while loading items into your truck or trailer. Therefore, learn how to lift equipment properly. For instance, stand close to the item, bent at the knees, but keep your back straight.
Next, grasp the item and lift it with leg strength instead of your back. Move slowly and hold the item close to your body to avoid straining. When you change direction, turn your whole body instead of twisting your torso. Navigate stairs and tight corners in your house slowly without dropping the item or scratching walls.
Protect the Items and Your Property
Moving should not leave you with costly repairs and broken items. You can disassemble large furniture to make the move manageable. Sometimes, simple disassembly, like removing the legs from a table or detaching the cushions, can reduce the weight of furniture considerably. Doing so also reduces the chances of damaging walls or the item itself.
Further, cover the item and delicate flooring to prevent scratches, moisture, dents, dirt, or even breakage. For instance, you can wrap the item using bubble wrap and cardboard to protect the door frames or floors. Wrap the items in a way that allows you to grasp them tight, or they will slide and fall.
Take Breaks if Necessary
Moving alone is tasking, so you need as many breaks as possible to catch your breath and assess your progress. Doing so also prevents fatigue, especially if you have to load and transport on the same day.
As such, when planning the process, your schedule should have sufficient breaks so you can hydrate and eat to replenish your system. It also helps you stay alert, which is crucial to avoid damaging the property or the items you are moving out of exhaustion from all work. Depending on the items you have to move and your schedule, you may load items for several days to take breaks in between.
In addition, listen to your body. Any signal that suggests you are overexerting yourself should prompt you to take a break.
Secure Items on Transit

The worst that can happen after all the work is arriving with broken or scratched equipment and furniture. As such, secure the items to stay stable throughout the drive. For example, a ratchet strap or bungee cord can tie them down. The choice depends on the weight of the items you are transporting. One way to distribute the tension is to use multiple options.
Another tip is distributing the weight in the car or trailer to prevent tipping. On top of that, have the heavier items at the bottom and the lighter ones on top because stacking them the other way around can damage the lighter ones.
In addition, prevent the items from shifting and sliding while in transit. You can use moving blacks or secure the item against the wall of the truck or car. Fill empty spaces with pillows or foam.
Despite all these measures, your driving also matters. Consequently, avoid making unnecessary sudden stops and swerves that shift the items in the truck or trailer. You should also check the mirror to monitor your load throughout the drive. Remember, its stability also ensures the safety of other road users.
Transporting items alone, especially loading and unloading them, is tasking. However, it is possible when you plan adequately, from deciding how to get the items out of the property to getting suitable packing supplies. On top of that, you need suitable lifting techniques to ensure you protect your back and take regular breaks to avoid strain.
The right tools can also make the loading and unloading process easy. For instance, you can use a two-wheel dolly to move the items from your property into the car or trailer. A ramp can also help you glide the item into the truck. When you consider such details when planning, moving becomes less stressful.